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5 Low Fat Salad Dressings

5 Low Fat Salad Dressings

5 Low Fat Salad Dressings

Recently, I offered up my Top 5 Healthy Salad Recipes, and they seemed to get quite a response!

A salad is one of the most convenient and healthy meals you can eat, and the variety is pretty much endless. But one of the biggest factors in whether a salad stays healthy is the dressing you put on it.

A lot of dressings are fattening, and in a bad way. Be especially cautious of white, creamy salad dressings – they contain more of the bad kinds of fats. Generally speaking, olive oil is a good option on a healthy diet plan, and any type of vinegar will give your metabolism a decent boost.

You should also watch out for low-fat dressings that are pre-made or available at the grocery store. Unfortunately, when food manufacturers remove fat from items, they often replace it with more sugar and salt. So watch your salad dressing labels.

Do it yourself…

That’s why I recommend doing it yourself and making your own salad dressings. You have complete control and know exactly what you’re eating. Plus, you’ll be able to avoid any additional additives and preservatives that you find in your grocery store varieties.

Here are 5 low fat salad dressing recipes you can do yourself! Each recipe makes 3-5 servings.

5 Low Fat Salad Dressing Recipes

1. Low-Fat Caesar Dressing – Caesar salad is a popular choice, but the traditional kind is full of fat. Here’s a low-fat alternative. Whisk together the following ingredients and pour onto the healthy salad ingredients of your choice:

  • 5 tablespoons of plain, non-fat Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar
  • 1 squeeze of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • Salt and pepper to taste

2. Skinny Miso Dressing – Another healthy alternative for a traditionally creamy and fatty salad dressing, this recipe requires minimal ingredients and minimal prep work. Whisk together the following ingredients and top your salad:

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