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7 Reasons a Blog Is a Phenomenal Personal Development Tool

In the 8 months since I started my blog I’ve gotten to know dozens of bloggers. While each one has his or her own unique interests and opinions, I think it’s fair to say we all agree on one thing: a blog is a phenomenal personal development tool. Here are some reasons why:

Goal Setting: Setting goals is a fundamental component of any personal development program. While there are a few different variations, it really comes down to one basic idea: write down your goals. A blog provides a great platform for writing down your goals and provides a place where you can review them on a regular basis.

Accountability: When you share your goals on your blog, you will benefit from the accountability that comes with telling people about your goals. I wrote a marketing plan for my blog at the end of December. Any time somebody comments on the plan, I feel much more compelled to check if I’m actually sticking to that plan.

Tracking Progress: Since you will be reviewing your goals almost daily in some capacity, a blog will give you a great platform for tracking your progress towards a particular goal. Let’s say you have an income goal. You could write a monthly blog post where you publish your income report. After you have written that post for a few months you will have a progress report.

Feedback: Feedback is one of the most powerful reasons a blog is an awesome personal development tool. Let’s say you are working towards a particular goal and you are continually spinning your wheels. A blog gives you the perfect platform to get some feedback from people who may have accomplished exactly what you are trying to accomplish. It can actually save you years of trial and error in getting to your goals.

Mastermind: Almost by default, when you become a blogger you become part of a mastermind group of like-minded people. We might have many different subjects that we write about and we might have our blog for different reasons. But at the end of the day we’re part of a community full of people who want to help each other succeed and accomplish our goals. Regardless of what you are trying to do with your blog you’ll find so many people you can reach out to who are more than willing to help you. Paying it forward comes with the territory.

Relationships: The relationships you form as a blogger will have a tremendous impact on your life personally and professionally. You will not only evolve as a person, but you will have a network of contacts that is not limited by geographic boundaries. A month back, one of the bloggers I know lost his job. The outpouring of help was so strong that another blogger even wrote a blog post about why an employer should hire the blogger who lost his job. Considering half of us have never met in person, that should give you an idea of what a profound influence these relationships can have on your life.

Commitment and Consistency: When it comes down to it, commitment and consistency are fundamental to getting anywhere with personal development. A blog can bring commitment and consistency into your life. If you expect to go through a course once and have your life dramatically changed, it’s time for a reality check. Yes, all this personal development stuff does work. If you really want to make a change, you just have to do it as often as you brush your teeth. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Do I think everybody shouldstart a blog? Absolutely. You don’t need to do it for the money. Use it as a platform for personal growth. The money is just a fringe benefit. According to my friend Nicole Crimaldi, a blog is one of the best career insurance policies you could ever invest in. Get started today and in 6 months you’ll be blown away by how much your life has changed.

Do you have a blog? If so, has it helped with your personal development? Please share your experiences in the comments below.

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