Home / Health / A Microsoft recruiter just sent the most cringeworthy email ever

A Microsoft recruiter just sent the most cringeworthy email ever


Before we begin, can everyone please give their lips a stretch. This is because your mouth is about to form the most sudden and violent ‘O’ of sadness and cringe when you see the email a Microsoft recruiter sent to potential employees. Are you ready? No. You can never be ready. But here it is:

The email was shared by twitter user Patrick Burtchaell, who claimed his roommate received it from a Microsoft recruiter. Microsoft are attempting to distance themselves from the whole affair, saying in an email to Gizmodo: “The email was poorly worded and not in keeping with our values as a company. We are looking into how this occurred and will take appropriate steps to address it.”

In case you’re wondering just what the whole thing meant, we’ve taken the liberty of translating some of the key phrases.

Bae intern – “Please, please help me I am old”

Hella noms – “Please. Do I seem less old yet?”

Dranks – “I once took a £300 course on Youth Marketing is it working?”

Best beats – Nope. Sorry. Even we don’t know what was going on here.

Bye for now, bae interns. Don’t get too lit now.

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