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Abs Diet Healthy Lunch Ideas

Abs Diet Healthy Lunch Ideas

What’s Getting in the Way of Your Abs?

It’s the same old story – you plan to eat healthy all week, but you end up running short on time and going for the fast food.

And lunches are by far the worst. In just one week of fast food lunches and quick grabs, you’ll totally wreak havoc on your abs diet plan. But a little planning can go a long way, and that’s exactly what I’m going to help you with today.

I’m offering up an easy solution to your daily lunch dilemma, by reviewing a complete lunch on-the-go plan. This series of lunches will keep you in line with your abs diet plan, maintaining a healthy boosted metabolism and a slim toned waistline.

Just make sure you’re hitting the gym on a regular basis too. Try my Once a Week Abs Workout here, or check out my Yoga Abs Workout for a change of pace.

First thing first, you need to hit the grocery store…

Step 1: The Grocery List

Here’s what you’ll need for your week of healthy, ab-toning lunch ideas. It’s not that long of a list, when you consider a week’s worth of lunches!

  • 1 cup of uncooked brown rice
  • 1 cup of uncooked brown rice pasta (penne)
  • 2 whole grain tortilla wraps (medium size)
  • 1 can of organic black beans
  • 1/c cup of roasted almonds
  • 8 ounces of skinless boneless chicken breast (1-2 pieces)
  • 8 ounces of lean beef (sirloin steak)
  • 1 cup of low-fat shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 package of pre-washed organic baby spinach
  • 1 bag of mixed veggies, frozen
  • 1 ripened avocado
  • 1 apple (Gala or Fuji)
  • 1 small container of fat-free Greek yogurt
  • Extra virgin olive oil (cold-pressed)
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Dijon mustard

Step 2: The Weekend Prep

Start by whisking together 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 4 teaspoons of red wine vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste, and coat your chicken and steak with this mixture (in separate dishes). Allow to marinade for 20 minutes, then cook both meats on a grill or in a skillet on the stove top until cooked to desired consistency. Once cooked, chop up the chicken and slice the steak, and set aside.

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