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Airline staff reveal passengers’ dumbest comments

Airline staff have revealed the dumbest – and most hilarious – questions they have been asked by passengers.

Budget British airline Jet2 handles millions of holidaymakers and staff take pride in providing stellar customer service to all passengers.

However, as Daily Mail reports, passengers’ queries and requests verge on the ridiculous.

Bizarre comments fielded by Jet2 staff include:

“I’ve forgotten something, can we turn around?”

“The pilot said we’re landing ahead of schedule, is that Spanish or UK time?”

A spokesperson for Jet2 and Jet2holidays said some comments  “gave us all a laugh – especially the cabin crew.”

“We always try to remain professional, but it’s great that we can have a joke with passengers after they’ve said something without thinking how ridiculous it is.

‘My favourite was the customer who wanted to know how to wind their window down. I don’t think they realised what would happen if they did that travelling so high up.”

Cabincrew.com has also published some of the more unbelievable comments made by plane passengers. Comments include:

“Where’s the onboard cash machine?”

“Why can’t you open the window and give us some air? It’s really stuffy in here.”

“If the captain’s in the loo, who’s driving this thing?”

“My children are getting bored and fidgety. Is there anyone in the cabin crew that can do magic tricks?”

A gentleman complained of a headache and asked what the dull whirring sound was. When told it was the jet engine he replied: “Tell the captain to turn them off because my head is really sore.” He went on to threaten making an official complaint “as our terms and conditions did not state how loud the engines were during the flight”.

One passenger coming into London was worried about Heathrow being so close to Windsor Castle. He asked if cabin crew could arrange for the planes not to fly over the castle in the future in case the Queen found it a nuisance.

“Why am I getting such a poor mobile phone signal? This flight is going to be really long and I’ll be bored if I can’t use my smart phone.”

Flying into Nice, south of France, one cheeky passenger asked a stewardess if the pilot could “go a bit further down the coast so we can have a look at Monaco”.

A group of ladies on a budget airline flight to Amsterdam left feedback saying: “Please could you have a wider choice of free wines, particularly champagne and Cava as this would make the journey much nicer.”

An elderly gentleman flying from Australia was disappointed that the flight attendants weren’t attractive and sexy enough. “They were much prettier in the adverts, so the flight has not lived up to my expectations,” he complained.

“I was hoping to see the Grand Canyon but these clouds are in the way. Please can you ask the pilot to fly a bit lower?”


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