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An unspoken emotion is a pain that we suffer

Everything that we are silent accumulates within us and can cause disease. Yes, just as you are reading. What cannot be expressed in words becomes known in the form of pain. Remember this phrase because it will help to talk about your feelings and thoughts. The body can send many signals but pay no attention to them. When we are silent and do not talk about our emotions for a long time these accumulate and can cause disease.


Fear, envy, and criticism everything goes to a “box” that does not serve us more than to feel bad, mentally and physically. The disease is a message that gives us the body so that we know that there is an emotional blockage or some aspect of life that is worth to change or delete. When we are not going in the right direction, when we close the mouth in order to avoid a fight or avoid certain topics not to break ties, or pain symptoms appear.

Many diseases have an origin in emotions. Depending on what is affected or unbalanced, feeling is either the organ or the body part resent. When they would appear to make a stop in our activities and identify negative thoughts and beliefs too entrenched in our lives to hurt us are.

A negative emotion, a disease

There is a kind of connection or relationship Psychosomatic connecting a thought with a symptom. Maybe we should not go to the doctor to check us and provide treatment but do work of introspection to improve what we think and, consequently, how we feel. Stress can cause ulcers or heart attacks, depression, lack of energy or because increased appetite. Somatic language is easy to understand. Aches and most frequent problems have an emotional origin:


The center, the connection to the outside may hurt every day due to acceleration pulse or blood strangulation of the arteries. The latter indicates an inability to communicate or express basic feelings, such as love.


Relate the mind and body. When there is little mobility, it may not only be due to poor sleep but also have a limited and rigid view of life.


When we solve a problem, we say that we take a weight off your back. That burden we carry is related to feelings or experiences of the past and have not forgiven or forgotten. On the back is the spine, that pillar that allows us to do all our activities. Pain in this area warns that something is not right and that we should lighten the weight of our emotions.


It is related to love, but also with other emotions such as anger. It is the center of the feelings and complications can result from being immersed in complex or desperate situations. Perhaps we have gone too far with a relationship or paid attention to things that do not bring us anything good.


They allow us to move forward but also bring us stability. The feet give us security and problems indicate that did not feel safe we do not know which way to go or how to think about the future and projects.

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