Home / Technology / Apple Website Hints That OS X Will Be Renamed To MacOS

Apple Website Hints That OS X Will Be Renamed To MacOS


Apple once again hinted about the upcoming change, this time the company hinted very seriously that can rename its operating system OS X on MacOS. As part of its promotional page in honor of Earth Day the company presented a list of its various products and how the estimated duration of their lives.

“To model customer use, we measure the power consumed by a product while it is running in a simulated scenario. Daily usage patterns are specific to each product and are a mixture of actual and modeled customer use data. Years of use, which are based on first owners, are assumed to be four years for MacOS and tvOS devices and three years for iOS and watchOS devices.” wrote the company.

Such a move would not be a big surprise, because Apple for some time given signals that it intends to introduce a unified system of designations of its platforms, eliminating the popular “i” from the names of a new hardware and software, as a result of which surfaced products like Apple Watch and tvOS.

Last month we saw the reference OS X file that contains the name МacOS, so the evidence for this transition already exist. Most likely, the official announcement of the change will come at the WWDC conference, which Apple organizes in June.

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