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Bad driving makes you less attractive

Bad driving makes you less attractive

Study finds bad driving behaviour a turn-off for potential partners.

Bad driving makes you are less attractive
Bad driving makes you less attractive – Tailgating was found to be a turn-off for both men and women.

A new study has found bad driving significantly reduces levels of attractiveness in potential partners, with women finding it particularly off-putting.

The scientific study into driving skills and desirability was conducted by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) in the U.K. and comes following recent research by the IAM which uncovered bad driving as one of the biggest first date turn-offs.

Participants in the latest were shown videos of both good and bad driving whilst being tested for their levels of attraction towards the driver using pulse rate, pupil dilation, blink rate and body language.

The study determined that attractiveness dropped from 4.8 to 2.8 in women proving the most significant reduction, with 84% of candidates reporting more negative feelings towards the driver after experiencing their incompetence on the road.

The pulse rate of 60% of female candidates increased whilst watching bad driving manoeuvres, with a 20% increase for a third indicating a significant rise in stress levels.

And it’s the aggressive and confrontational manoeuvres that were found to be most unattractive to women – with road rage, illegal overtaking and tailgating topping a list of gaffes that provoke the strongest negative reactions.

In contrast, reactions in men were found to be less significant, with just over a quarter (28%) reporting a dislike for the driver after seeing them behind the wheel.

Top 5 driving behaviours that turn off women

  • Illegal overtaking
  • Road rage
  • Bad parking
  • Texting whilst driving
  • 3 point turn

Top five driving behaviours that turn off men

  • Three point turn
  • Talking selfies at the wheel
  • Texting whilst driving
  • Driving the wrong way round a roundabout
  • Bad parking

IAM chief executive, Sarah Sillars said the results probably weren’t very surprising.

“Bad driving not only has an impact on the safety of our roads, but can also affect your relationships.

“Being able to manoeuvre properly and drive carefully should be much higher up on people’s priorities.”

In other news; Kia unveils new fourth-generation Sportage and Toyota is again our most trusted brand.

Joel Helmes

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