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Benefits of Exercise: Can It Keep You Young?

benefits of exercise

Benefits of Exercise: Can It Keep You Young?

The question of whether or not one of the major benefits of exercise is keeping you young may not be one that really has you baffled, but I believe if we dig a little deeper you’ll think about it differently.

Anytime you explore questions like this you ultimately get to know yourself better and with this kind of understanding you take one step higher to increasing your willpower.

At the end of the day we all know it’s willpower which keeps us from slipping into the belly busting junk food temptation world and putting on excess weight which in turn hurts our confidence and feeling of well-being.

Stick with me here and I guarantee you’re going to get a few nuggets to take away with you which will benefit you in not only losing weight in your trouble spots but also give you the drive to push through your biggest obstacles…

Benefits of Exercise: The Science

A recent study at McMaster University in Ontario explored the effects of exercise on mice over 1 year (which would be equivalent to the age of 100 in human terms since the mice were genetically modified to grow older at an accelerated pace), and the DNA analysis was quite shocking even to the researchers.

The study compared a group of mice who were sedentary vs a group who were allowed to run on a wheel for 45 minutes three times a week and were given other challenges to increase their muscle mass. So what did the research show?

The sedentary mice started showing signs of DNA malfunction resulting in bone density issues as soon as 3 months (equivalent to age 20 in human years) and by the 8 month stage (equivalent to age 60) the sedentary mice had become frail with shrunken brains, enlarged hearts, smaller sex organs and graying fur. All these mice were dead by the 12 month stage.

So what happened with the mice that had exercised? Up until the 8 month stage these mice had a rich dark fur with no salt-and-pepper shadings, had retained their muscle mass and brain volume, plus their sex organs were completely normal and still agile.

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