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Brain Boosting Superfoods

Brain Boosting Superfoods

Brain Boosting Superfoods

I’ve always been a big fan of superfoods – they’re the perfect addition to any healthy, whole foods diet.

But did you know that superfoods are good for more than just boosting metabolism and getting in better physical shape?

One of the biggest and most overlooked benefits of superfoods is brain health. In addition to making you feel good on the outside, many nutrient-rich superfoods also make you feel good on the inside, improving things like concentration, focus, and mood.

What’s more, many superfoods also help you fight stress and better cope with your daily trials and tribulations.

So I thought it was time to take a second look at some of my favorite superfoods, with a focus on improving your brain health and mental functioning. These 10 superfoods will get you thinking and feeling better in no time!

Top 10 Brain Boosting Superfoods

1. Salmon – Like many oily fishes, salmon is high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats, which are now added to many foods, have a huge impact on the health of your brain – particularly your ability to concentrate and stay alert.

If you’re not a fan of salmon, or want to improve your daily support, try a natural fish oil supplement like these Optimum Fish Oil Softgels.

2. Blueberries – Blueberries are one of the best foods around. Their high antioxidant content is believed to strengthen connections between brain cells, improving your overall mental functioning. If you’re looking for another effective source of antioxidants, check out NOW Acai.

3. Dark Chocolate – In addition to helping you fight those cravings for something sweet, dark chocolate is packed full of healthy antioxidants and just enough caffeine to keep you feeling awake and alert.

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