Home / Technology / Canadian Police obtained Master Key to Decode BlackBerry Messenger

Canadian Police obtained Master Key to Decode BlackBerry Messenger


BlackBerry has made a name thanks to the high level of security on their devices, but the new discovery is about to seriously question the reputation of the company.

It turns out that the Canadian police for years owned master encryption key, which allows it to intercept and decode sent through the service BlackBerry Messenger messages Vice News reported.

As Vice writes:

“And if the global key is still sitting on a server in the RCMP’s headquarters, the potential consequences could be significant. Although it wouldn’t offer police a backdoor into most of its government and business clients, who make up BlackBerry’s core constituency, it would mean that police enjoyed years of access to Canadians’ personal cellphones without the public being any the wiser.”

The reason for this has become an investigation of mafia murder in 2010, during which the authorities obtained the key and used it to decode a huge number of e-mails sent between 2010 and 2012.

As part of “Operation Clemenza” police received access to more than one million messages, but authorities calm worried citizens that under investigation were only a few people.

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