Home / Travel / Caves, Waterfalls and Volcanos: The Natural Wonders of Vanuatu

Caves, Waterfalls and Volcanos: The Natural Wonders of Vanuatu

Vanuatu is an incredibly popular destination for tourists, especially visitors from Australia and New Zealand, and it is not hard to see why. This beautiful country enjoys stunning beaches, perfect weather, incredibly tropical scenery and many beautiful natural attractions. If you may be tempted to plan a trip here at some point, here are some of the natural highlights you should make sure you visit.

Mele Cascades

There are many natural attractions in Vanuatu, but one of the most well known is Mele Cascades. These waterfalls are located on Efate Island, not far from Port Vila, and there are plenty of tours that include trips to see it.

It is made up of a group of waterfalls, and many visitors simply enjoy looking upon the cascades and admiring their beauty. However, other activities include swimming in the pools, abseiling down the walls and going up to the top of the waterfall to enjoy the views.

Millennium Cave

If you travel to Vanuatu on holiday, perhaps on a cruise like those available at Carnival Cruises, you may be interested in seeing some of the fascinating caves that are located all over the country. One of the best is Millennium Cave, which is located on the island of Espiritu Santo, about 45 minutes from Luganville.

A trip to the cave is a real adventure. Join up with a tour, and you will be able to enjoy a day of hiking in the tropical forest and canyoning in the creeks and cascades, which can be quite physically challenging. The cave itself is stunning, and it is well worth the effort of reaching it.

Blue Cave

This is another one of the best caves in Vanuatu, and it is located on the island of Tanna. Again, part of the adventure is reaching the cave, which you can do by swimming. If the tide is high, you may even have to dive under the water to get to it. Before that, you will travel across the water in a traditional fishing boat, and during the trip you will want to make sure you look out for turtles and dolphins.

The cave is incredibly blue, and it is a very tranquil spot. Enjoy swimming among the tropical fishes, and take your snorkel to see the beautiful corals beneath you.

Mount Yasur

Mount Yasur is the most famous of Vanuatu’s volcanos. It is located on Tanna, and there are a number of options to choose from in order to visit its crater. Many people choose to drive to the top, whereas others prefer to walk, or even ride on a horse. However you get to the top, the sight when you look down into the bubbling lava below is incredible. It is considered safe, but follow all of your guide’s recommendations and don’t get too near to the edge.

Nanda Blue Hole

Blue holes are found all over Vanuatu, but this is one of the best. These blue holes are deep holes filled with water that look almost unnaturally blue, and they really are stunning. This one is found on Espiritu Santo, and it is a very popular attraction. It is the perfect place to cool off and go snorkelling, and there are plenty of tropical fish to see.

Siri Falls

Siri Falls on Gaua is not as well known as Mele Cascades, but this means you won’t have to share it with as many people. Not only will you see the stunning 120-metre falls themselves, but you will also see Lake Letas, which is a huge freshwater lake, and Mount Garet, which is another volcano. You will probably take a canoe across the lake to reach the falls, making it a great adventure.

Mount Benbow & Mount Marum

Mount Benbow and Mount Marum are both found on Ambrym Island. These two active volcanos are amazing sights to see, and like Mount Yasur you will be able to see the lava. In fact, at Mount Benbow you may even be able to arrange to go into the crater on a rope. You may also be able to arrange camping overnight to enjoy a longer trek around the area.

Enjoy the Beauty of Vanuatu

These are just some of the beautiful natural wonders that you will be able to see when you visit Vanuatu. However, these are just the start, and there are many more attractions to discover when you visit this tropical country. So make sure that the above attractions are on your list of things to see, and stay busy in Vanuatu by seeing all of the natural wonders on offer.

Ryan Posa is infected with the travel bug. With a passion for seeing the world, he founded Cruise Republic to help others broaden their horizons. He enjoys exotic locations and local experiences and blogging about his discoveries. Follow Ryan on Twitter to share in his adventures.


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