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Children influencing parent car choice

Children influencing parent car choice

Study finds children are have a big say in the car their parents buy.

Children influencing parent car choice
Children influencing parent car choice – the study probably also found that 100% of kids would like to be driven to school in a Ferrari!

Prepare to see car companies target more marketing at an unconventional new demographic – children!

A new study commissioned by Auto Trader in the UK has found that up to 55% of respondents admitted their car choice was directly influenced by their children.

Pooling the views of 1,000 parents and children aged between 5 and 11, the study aimed to look at what parents and children looked for in their perfect family car – and to what extent children influenced their parents’ car buying decision.

When it comes to the sexes, the research suggests dads should probably be the target of lobbying by children. 39% of dads said they were open to influence compared with 33% of mums.

Auto Trader Study on Child Influence in Car Buying Key Findings;

  • Colour is the most likely area for successful persuasion by children (26% influenced their parents’ choice of colour)
  • Children are most likely to push for red (28%), followed by blue (21%), black (14%) and pink (13%)
  • Boys tend to favour red cars (28% v 23%) and girls preferred pink (26% v 1%).
  • Only 2% said they’d prefer a white car

Nathan Coe of Auto Trader says the study was a first.

“A substantial amount of research has been done looking at how the decision of the car buyer can be influenced and at what stage in the buying journey, but few have really considered the role that children play, or the influence of pester power.”

“If one of the kids doesn’t like the shape or colour of your next car, or it doesn’t come with plug-in for an i-Pad, then you’d better be prepared for some serious pestering!”

In other car sales news; SUV boom tipped to accelerate and New cars to avoid in 2015.

Joel Helmes

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