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Chrome is Now the World's Most Popular Browser


Google Chrome is the new king of the market for desktop browsers, after the latest survey from NetMarketShare shows that he took the first place from Internet Explorer.

With this the leadership position of Chrome is entirely confirm even before these recent data analyst from different companies felt that he was in the first place. However, NetMarketShare was giving more conservative data, but it really seems that on the top has a replacement.

NetMarketShare data for April show that Chrome has 41.67% share among browsers, which is enough to overtake Internet Explorer which has 41.37%. Thus data from two of the largest analytical companies – StatCounter and NetMarketShare – closely matched and we can confidently say that Chrome is the most popular desktop browser in the world.

Existing differences in the statistics derived from different methodologies that companies use to collect them data. NetMarketShare is counting unique users rather than page views.

The latest data from NetMarketShare put the major browsers at the following percentage positions:

•  Chrome – 41.67%
•  Internet Explorer – 41.37%
•  Firefox – 9.76%
•  Safari – 4.91%
•  Opera – 1.89%

Safari and Opera receive modest increase in their market shares. Firefox dropped into single figures – from 10.54% to 9.76% – which is the lowest point the open-source browser reach for a very long time.

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