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Cool Dating Tips images

Check out these dating tips images:

Things You Should Never Do On A First Date – Especially With Someone You Like! [Infographic]
dating tips
Image by UrbaneWomenMag
First dates are similar to job interviews in that both people are full of questions, both are a little nervous and both are trying to make a good first impression. And especially if he’s someone you fancy and want to have more dates with, then you should never do the following on your first date…

If the above infographic is unclear, you can click on the following link for a full-sized version of the infographic -> Things You Should Never Do On A First Date – Especially With Someone You Like! [Infographic]

Boy’s Guide to Girls
dating tips
Image by Boy’s & Girl’s Guide Books
30 sec spot

Internet dating tips.
dating tips
Image by kennethkonica
Can you believe they used to have video dating? Still not a bad idea.

Mom, I need some dating tips!
dating tips
Image by 2-Dog-Farm
I am old enough to chase boys!
HARUKO!! No you’re not! Go to your stall
right now!

dating tips
Image by marc falardeau
suits and coats, made to measure

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