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Everyone Needs an Ipod

Everyone Needs an Ipod
Image by marrngtn (Manuel)
Dad was enjoying a little "Fred Hammond" on the Ipod.

Lego iPod Dock 005
Image by TuxRug
I got bored and was tired of the standard iPod disconnect procedure: squeeze and pull. And not showing off my toy for the world to see. Then I remembered a Lego dock for Nintendo DS that I saw on the internet. So I pulled out an old, dusty Lego set and put this together. Yeah, it doesn’t look nearly as good as the iPod, but it works and was free. Heck of a lot better than nearly dollars. I may eventually get the dock if I decide I want to use one of the dock-only features like the remote control, but until then, this is just fine. The two things at back swivel, so It should accomadate most iPod sizes, but I’ve only tested it with my 30GB iPod Video.
Side view with iPod connected. notice how it leans back against the swively things?

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