Home / Mobile / Forget the iPhone 7 – Apple’s iPhone 8 could just be a screen

Forget the iPhone 7 – Apple’s iPhone 8 could just be a screen


The iPhone’s basic aesthetics have adapted relatively little since its inception in 2007, but could that all be about to change?

A recent patent suggests the Cupertino-based company may be looking to leave the borders and bezel behind for an all-screen front.

As always, patents have the catchiest titles, with Apple opting to name this particular instalment: “Man-machine interface for controlling access to electronic devices.”

Filed in March 2015, the patent reads: “The man-machine interface device comprises an electronic display apparatus that is capable of presenting graphic text, images, icons, and other data typically shown on a screen, while further including a transparent finger touch sensor region that is seated above the display apparatus.”

Aside from the all-screen emphasis in the patent, it also details three potential technologies that could work as fingerprint sensors for the screen.

While some have indicated the iPhone 7 could feature a home button-less interface, the recent timing of this patent would suggest otherwise.

With that said, this is reportedly Apple’s third patent relating to fingerprint-reading displays, which we hope means they have a sleek, all-screen iPhone 8 just ready in waiting.

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