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Getting Cut Abs

getting cut abs

Getting Cut Abs

It’s extremely hard to get cut abs because we need to have the right diet, a smart supplementation plan and above all a workout routine which allows us to make our bodies an incinerator when it comes to burning fat.

In this article we’re going to put it all together and include a full body circuit which will tone, cut and allow you to keep your muscle mass so your metabolic rate is at an accelerated pace.

Time to get cut abs, here we go…

Getting Cut Abs: The Pre-workout Plan

Your pre-workout plan is one of the most important elements in training hard. This works and works amazingly well so try and follow it to the tee and you should begin to see results in as little as a week.

When preparing for intensity you need to have the carbs and amino acids for fueling your body. One hour before your workout try this protein smoothie recipe to give your muscles everything they need to function at their max level. One scoop of Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey with 2 ice cubes, half a banana or sliced mango, 1/4 cup of skim milk, 2 tablespoons vanilla yogurt and water to the brim.  It tastes awesome and has the perfect ratio of macro-nutrients for your muscles.

Half an hour before your workout you want your pre-workout energy matrix, so have one scoop of Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump MAX with half a scoop of USPLabs Jack3d plus water and ice.  This killer combo will push your workout into outer space it is so powerful.  It’ll make you say motivation schmotivation!

Ok now we’re talking, you even got enough pre-workout hydration through these two mixes so get ready to blast though this total body muscle-busting circuit…

Getting Cut Abs: Total Body Circuit

Do all these exercises one after another before taking a 60 second break. Then repeat 2 more times!

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