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Giving Tuesday

We’ve all spent a lot of time over the past few days “consuming” … turkey, pie, football games, irresistible items on Black Friday, awesome online deals on Cyber Monday.

Now it’s time to balance it all out. No, I’m not talking about dieting or stopping shopping, I’m talking about giving. Today is #GivingTuesday, a national movement—a day of giving—that raises funds and awareness for important causes everywhere. Organizations, especially nonprofits, participate with their own #GivingTuesday campaign to raise awareness and dollars for their cause.

The nonprofit LIFE Lessons Scholarship Program, a part of the LIFE Foundation, is participating in #GivingTuesday. LIFE Lessons scholarships help students, who are struggling financially due to a parent dying with little or no life insurance, get a college education.

You can help change a life by contributing just $10 or $15 on #GivingTuesday to this important program. And what’s more powerful than helping someone gain an education so that they can help themselves?

Here are testimonials of students who’ve benefited from a LIFE Lessons scholarship.


“The LIFE Lessons Scholarship has allowed me to pursue my passion and obtain a better education.” —Zack Willard, whose father died, leaving no life insurance






1500796126-1065-Melina-225x300“The LIFE Lessons Scholarship has helped me give 100% to my education again!” —Melina Ahmadpour, whose mother died leaving her and her sister with no life insurance or financial support






1500796126-8492-Takashi-225x300“The Life Lessons scholarship has supported me through tough times, and I will always be grateful for their help!” —Takashi Yanagi, whose single mom died with no life insurance



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