Home / World Scenery / God, Yes! America: 50 States of Summer Guide

God, Yes! America: 50 States of Summer Guide

5884d717c28d704e1284d0016b1eeec3Whether school’s out, summer Fridays are about to begin, or you’ve banked your vacation days at work, there comes a time when you must face the question everyone’s asking: What are you going to do on your summer vacation?

Here at Fathom, we’ve been compiling our lists and checking them twice (summer vacay is Christmas for us) — on the look out for cool neighborhoods to explore, festivals to attend, road trips to take, lakes to jump in, new restaurants to try, and bed and breakfasts to fantasize about.Our interests are broad, our selections permanent and fleeting, old, new, iconic, or soon to be classic. Let the vacations begin.

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