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Gurman: Apple Planning 5G MacBooks

MacBook Pro Credit: Shahid Jamil / Shutterstock

Gurman writes that Apple plans to integrate an in-house modem into its Apple silicon-based system-on-a-chip (SoC) that would eventually be used in MacBooks to offer built-in cellular connectivity.

Apple has reportedly been developing its own modem since 2018, an in-house solution that would allow it to accomplish its long-sought goal of dropping current modem provider Qualcomm from its supplier list.

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However, Apple has faced numerous issues during its development, causing the modem’s release timeframe to slip several times. The MacBook maker has struggled to work the bugs out of the modem technology that it purchased from Intel in 2019 in a deal reportedly worth $1 billion.

The intellectual property (IP) Apple purchased from Intel, combined with Apple’s own IP, means the firm is believed to own more than 17,000 wireless technology patents. These patents range from modem architecture and modem operation to protocols for cellular standards.

Intel’s failure to create a competitive modem chip led the company to exit the 5G modem business in early 2019, which allowed Apple to pick up its assets at fire sale prices. However, it also forced Apple to settle its legal battle with Qualcomm if it had any hope of releasing a 5G-capable iPhone before 2025. Apple signed a new modem contract to supply 5G modem chips for the iPhone 12 lineup and beyond, recently extending the deal to 2026. Apple will likely seek to extend the deal again if Apple continues to run into issues in developing its own modem solution.

As we reported last week, Apple has continued to face delays in its development of a replacement for the 5G modems it currently purchases from Qualcomm for use in the iPhone and other devices.

While Apple’s modem is not expected to be ready until at least 2026, Gurman says his sources tell him that Apple plans to make use of the modem in more devices than just the iPhone. While the iPad and Apple Watch are already obvious candidates for Apple’s new modem, Apple has been contemplating cellular-capable MacBooks since before it launched the first iPad, and Gurman notes that Apple’s own 5G SoC may finally help it accomplish that.

Still, Gurman says Apple will “probably need two or three additional years to get that chip inside cellular versions of the Apple Watch and iPad — and the Mac, once the part is integrated into the company’s system-on-a-chip.”

Gurman adds that Apple has other chip projects in the works, including a combined Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chip, Micro-LED displays, camera sensors, and a non-invasive glucose monitoring system.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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