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Happy Halloween Weekend!

{Cherishing this recent shot, which is my favorite photo of G ever taken}

Considering that I’ve been impatiently waiting for Halloween since November first of last year, I could not be more excited that it’s now three days away. Since Halloween’s on a Monday this year, we’ll be celebrating all weekend (so happy that my parents came into town!) Hope you have a safe and candy-filled weekend.

{A beautiful 2D Gucci collar}
{A beautiful 2D Gucci collar}
{Serene spot for a late afternoon work meeting}
{Serene spot for a late afternoon work meeting}
{Without question, the best dessert I've ever had. The Beast S'mores Brownie from Full of Life}
{Without question, the best dessert I’ve ever had. The Beast S’mores Brownie fromFull of Life}


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