Home / Health IT / Hologic Unveils Fluent Fluid Management System for Hysteroscopies

Hologic Unveils Fluent Fluid Management System for Hysteroscopies

Hologic is releasing a new fluid management system specifically designed for hysteroscopic procedures. The Fluent system aims to simplify, make more efficient, and less frustrating fluid management tasks.

The setup is simplified with a modern touchscreen interface, there’s only a one waste bag to worry about, the machine is purportedly quieter and doesn’t shake around like a lot of existing devices.

The screen runs the operator through all the steps to setup the machine so everything goes smoothly and quickly, and the same happens when it’s time to wrap things up.

Data on the pressure, fluid deficit (within +/- 50 mL), bags running low, and if the waste bag is close to capacity, are displayed during the procedure.

“We developed the Fluent system with a deep understanding of the hectic workflow that often characterizes the patient and staff experience,” said Sean Daugherty, President of GYN Surgical Solutions, Hologic. “This launch is a testament to how our strong customer partnerships and unique technological innovations enable us to provide healthcare professionals the advanced equipment they need to improve lives.”

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