Home / Asia / Larung Gar the home to 40 000 monks in photos.

Larung Gar the home to 40 000 monks in photos.

Larung Gar in western Sichuan, China is the world’s biggest Tibetan institute anywhere in the world with more than 40.000 Monks and Nuns.

This is a follow-up post to my main post “Larung Gar, Home to 40.000 Monks and Nuns“. You will find all the information you need about Larung Gar in the other post, how to get there, where it is, where to stay etc. This post is a pure photo post since a lot of people have been asking me if I had more photos that I could publish from the place.

Larung Gar has since June 2016 been closed for all foreigners. And there´s no news when it will open again. It might open next week, or it might never open for foreigners again, just have to wait and hope for the best.

Housing Units in Larung Gar, I would never be able to find my house here.
A overview of Larung Gar taken from the highest hill surrounding the the area.
Smoke coming up from all the housing in the early morning, the house dont have electricity so all heating and cooking is done by wood.
A older Tibetan couple coming trough the snow blizzard.
A devoted Buddhist monk waling trough the snow blizzard
A old man resting in the sun
A local woman resting in the sun outside one of the main tempels
The housing units after dark, i would stills struggle to find my house.
A beautiful woman in the only resturant possing for a portrait.
Brother in Arms. Probably my favourite photo from my trip to Larung Gar
Two of the main tempels with a new hotel being constructed in the back.
More housing units i can still dont understand how people find their homes.

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