Home / World Scenery / Meet Our Guest Instagrammer: Lucy Laucht in Palm Springs, California

Meet Our Guest Instagrammer: Lucy Laucht in Palm Springs, California

We are amazed (to say the least) by the turnout and talent displayed in our #TravelwithFathom Instagram contest. And now we’re thrilled that Lucy Laucht, a Fathom contributor and accomplished Instagram photographer based in NYC, is taking over our @FathomWaytoGoInstagram feed while visiting Palm Springs. Her photos are light and airy and transportive —scrolling through her feed feels like a trip to the beach! We asked Laucht to describe her shooting style.

Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a Brit living in New York by way of Australia with a serious case of wanderlust. Social media and photography are my game and I document all my travels on instagram [email protected]

How would you describe your photography style?
I would say my photographic style is very driven by light and color. I’m drawn to the pastel hues of crumbling colonial buildings, the blue tones of the sea, and the way light ripples on a pool.

What do you love most about photographing your travels?
For me it’s the memory a picture evokes. What happened the day I took that picture; where I was staying, the people I met, the bus journey I took, what I ate. Instagram serves as a medium to condense those memories into a single stream, which I love to reference when planning new adventures.


Bikini in Sand


Orange House





Blue House

Statue of Liberty


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