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New Experiment: Buying All My Clothes Online!

Alright guys – I’m on a new mission over here!

I’ve whined about this before, but ever since I’ve gone down this glorious road of minimalism and not shopping anymore, my wardrobe has gone completely from Rockstar to Vagabondstar and my clothes are literally falling apart.

Here are the jeans I’m currently wearing:


Notice the beautiful patches along WITH the holes ? Not so bad to wear in the summer, but we all know winter is coming!!

(I REALLY want to insert a Game of Thrones gif here, but I’ll spare you)

But here’s the thing, it’s not that I’m lazy or don’t have the money to buy new clothes or anything, it’s just that I NEVER go shopping anymore, nor do I have the energy while watching over precious little babies and websites all day long. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

(I feel like I’m a walking meme right now?)

All this changed last week, however, when an epiphany hit me as I was scrolling through Amazon:

What if I could just buy all my clothes online like I do everything else? Then I can shop anytime I want AND get things delivered to my door AND can just keep buying the same things over and over again, maybe just changing out colors every so often? How easy would that be? Why has it taken me 20 years on the internet to even THINK about this???

Haha… and just like that, my new experiment was born ?

And there’s only one rule: Keep shopping until I’ve at least replaced *one* item in every category of clothing to make sure I fully give it my all. So no starting it and then giving up after one round of shopping, buster! You’re in it for the long-term play!

I’ve already made my first purchase too – woo! Here’s what I got:

  • Two packs of white tees
  • A pack of 3 boxers
  • 10 pairs of socks
  • 1 long sleeved casual shirt
  • 1 pair of jeans
  • 1 pair of my favorite shoes in the entire world!!

I even wore all them on the same day and have since dubbed it the “Amazon Outfit” haha... The only thing that was missing was a new belt – which is next on the list ?

And I gotta say, it feels damn good so far!! Just DOING SOMETHING about it, ya know? Look at these bad boys!! (I picked up the blue pair)


Another interesting thing I’ve realized in this process, is that my whole life I’ve only prioritized items that were *on sale* vs those that are full-price. Which is great for the wallet, of course, and something that’s helped my money grow substantially over the years, however it also meant I was always at the mercy of sales events and then praying that my right sizes and styles and all were there too. And that’s a hard way to shop when you don’t have the luxury of time.
So this will be an experiment that hits two main areas, it looks like:

  1. To get a better system in place for acquiring new clothes!
  2. To get over the (self-imposed) stigma of buying something at full-price, or at least in this case “internet price” which I’m learning is cheaper than full-price store items, but certainly not close to TJ Maxx or Thrift store sales.

But so far so good! I bought my first pair of shoes at full price and it felt amazing, haha… You can get any color and style you want when you’re not looking at the price tag! (Just thank GOD I don’t have expensive taste)

So we’ll see how it fares! Maybe I’ll wear my Amazon Outfit around you guys one day if you promise not to laugh ?

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