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New Hotels Made for Millennials


If you haven’t noticed lately, more and more major hotel chains are creating new brands—all geared toward millennials.

Hilton has opened Canopy, Marriott has a hotel brand called Moxy, Starwood has Element…and there are more.

These chains are all in an aggressive pursuit of this younger demographic.

Each of these brands is less about luxury and more about technology and connectivity for the 18-34-year-olds they’re trying to attract.

Translation: Smaller rooms and high speed WiFi.

Guests can text for room service with menus that don’t just offer standard hamburgers, but items like Vitamin Water, Advil, and bananas.

These hotels are also embracing social media.

Forty-four percent of millennials say that they prefer booking hotel services from a mobile phone, versus twenty-six percent percent of baby boomers.

But if something goes wrong, or they lose power, they might just have to have a conversation with a human being.

That is, if they can find one. For the moment, that doesn’t cost extra.

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