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Nice Dating Tips photos

Check out these dating tips images:

Pilea pumila
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Image by CHIMS181514
Opposite ovate leaves with large dentate serrate leaf margins and acuminate tips. Leaves moderately "wrinkled" and inflorescense is at auxillary bud of each leaf.

Verbascum thapsus
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Image by CHIMS181514
Simple oblanceolate leaves have slight serrate leaf margins and acuminate tips. Leaves also dinsly covered with soft "hairs" which is where it received it’s common name "Lamb’s Ear"

Polystichum acrostichoides
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Image by Justin Tso
Frond of Christmas fern. The smaller leaflets at the top are the fertile leaflets. Underside of a frond tip. The brown sori (spore-bearing structures) are very close together; it can be difficult to see the individual dots. The Christmas fern is an evergreen fern and is considered to be popular because they are one of the few ferns that will stay green all winter long.

Cornus amomum
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Image by elizawbarrett
Distinguishing features:
– Dull, reddish twigs
– Leaves opposite, usually oval, rounded at base with acuminate tips
– Leaves with arcuate venation toward tip
– Seasonally has blue-ish berries

Arctium minus
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Image by Justin Tso
The bracts at the base of the flowerheads have hooked tips, allowing the seeds to grab onto animal fur or human clothing.

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