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“Professors who are good at mentoring will thrive”


The future of universities, MOOCs, lectures,
and the flipped class

Worthwhile video (below) from a Pearson conference w/Joi Ito, Head of MIT Media Lab (another notable college drop-out who was recently awarded an honorary degree).

Go straight to the 12:00 (12 minute) mark through – 17:00

Some highlights:

  • Likes the “Flipped Classroom” model, where in-person, on campus mentorship and apprenticeship are key roles for professors
  • The future of professors who are just lecturers is questionable
  • If kids can pick the best professor via a video, what happens to the 3rd and 4th best professor?
  • The role of mentoring is tremendously important
  • Those professors who are good at mentoring will thrive

(Editor’s Note: Do I think the “lecture” is dead?
Not necessarily.  We listen to TED talks (if they’re good).  Last week, I listened to several
of Joi Ito’s talks to curate the “best” ones for you – and they are essentially lectures, disguised as keynotes.
So, the answer is this:  it depends.
Is what the teacher (lecturer) has to say compelling to the particular audience?  Also a nod to the delivery style – how the message is delivered, length as well, but that is not the whole picture . . .  C.J. Westerberg)

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