Home / Recipes / Smoked Salmon Quinoa Hand Rolls

Smoked Salmon Quinoa Hand Rolls

This is a sad story about some rice

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(but a happy story about some homemade sushi rolls).

That would be the leftover rice from Pei Wei, which ended up having a slumber party in my trunk. It’s easier to forget about leftovers in the car nowadays. For a split second, I debated eating it until I actually opened the trunk and smelled said rice. I had grand plans for these nori rolls with smoked salmon, cucumber, avocado, but that crucial ingredient went to the depths of the trash can.

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Quinoa to the rescue:

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I had made a small batch to enjoy on salads this week and figured it would be a great substitute in a pinch.

It ended up being a quick, easy snack idea: crisp nori, smooth and salty salmon, creamy avocado and filling quinoa.

Here’s what I did:

Spread a few nori sheets with quinoa and topped with avocado

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added smoked salmon, sliced cucumber, rolled it up, wetting the edge with water to seal,

and made a little wasabi mayo dipping sauce. 

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-1 T mayo

-1 T wasabi (I like it to burn on the way down, so please adjust amount according to your spiciness preference)

-splash tamari

-garlic powder

Perfect, portable snack and it took about 5 minutes to put together.

What’s your latest quick lunch/snack combo? Do you ever make sushi at home? 

Hope you’re having a lovely evening <3

 New on the Fashion page: My latest hair faves

New Family post: A year later.

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