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Special diet without gluten for celiac

Gluten Free Recipes

You should not start a diet without gluten without having performed a biopsy intestinal showing intolerance to it. If celiac disease is detected the diet must be severely followed throughout life and that eating small amounts of gluten can cause damage.

General Tips

Is removed from the diet any product-bearing ingredient as wheat, oats, barley, rye, flour, bread, pasta, etc. The celiac must take all natural foods that contain gluten in origin: meat, fish, eggs, milk, cereals without gluten (rice and corn), legumes, tubers, fruits, vegetables, edible oils and sugar. The consumption of manufactured goods involves assuming potential risks. Reading the product label at the time of purchase, and sun not entirely sure extent.


It should be made ​​that such information complies with pointing List aliments suitable pro celiac then current. As a general rule they are eliminated from the diet all bulk products all handmade products made ​​especially for gluten-free diets containing wheat starch as an element and that is not labeled where you cannot check the list of ingredients.

In homes where there is a celiac, it is recommended to take away wheat flour and normal bread crumbs and flour used in its place and breadcrumbs without gluten or flakes of mashed patatapara batter, breading or thicken the sauce.

Caution with corn flour and other sales in bakeries or supermarkets. You can be contaminated if the grinding is done in mills also grind other cereals such as wheat or oats. No charge or purchase special bread for celiac outside bakeries supervised s by celiac associations. The growth of gluten-free bread at a bakery working with wheat flour carries a high risk of contamination.

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