Home / Healthy Eating / These 9 types of people are not suitable for milk drinking

These 9 types of people are not suitable for milk drinking

Milk is accepted by the public not only because of its high nutritional value, but also because it is a public food, which is suitable for any range of people. Today we are going to talk about people who cannot drink milk.

1, peptic ulcer patients should not drink milk

Milk can relieve gastric acid stimulus on the ulcer surface, but because it can stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosal secretion of a large amount of gastric acid, which will make the condition worse.

2, usually have abdominal distension, multiple fart, abdominal pain and diarrhea and other symptoms should not drink milk

Although these symptoms are not caused by milk, after drinking milk will make these symptoms worse. Therefore, the usual abdominal distension, more fart, abdominal pain and diarrhea of people do not drink milk.


3, after abdominal surgery patients should not drink milk

Such patients always have flatulence, and milk contains more fat and casein, which is not easy to digestion in the stomach and intestines, after fermentation can produce gas, so increased flatulence, is not conducive to the recovery of intestinal peristalsis.

4, lactose acid deficiency patients should not drink milk

Milk lactose content is higher, but must be in the digestive tract under the effect of lactose acid decomposition of galactose and glucose which can be absorbed by the human body. If the lactose acid deficiency, after eating milk will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea.

5, cholecystitis and pancreatitis patients should not drink milk

Milk fat digestion requires the participation of bile and pancreatic lipase, drinking milk will increase the burden of the gallbladder and pancreas, and thus aggravate the condition.

6, reflux esophagitis patients should not drink milk

Fat containing milk will be under the influence of the oesophageal sphincter contraction, thereby increasing gastric or intestinal juice reflux esophagitis symptoms aggravated.


7, lead operators should not drink milk

Lactose in milk can lead to lead absorption and accumulation in the body, which can aggravate and lead to lead poisoning, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue and other symptoms. At the same time, there may be excessive lead children should not drink milk.

8, kidney stones patients should not drink milk

After sleep, the amount of urine is reduced, and the various physical substances in urine can be increased, which can make the urine become thicker. As more calcium in milk, the majority of kidney stones contain calcium salt. The most dangerous factor of stone formation is the sudden increase in the concentration of calcium in the urine. Drink milk 2 to 3 hours, it is the peak of calcium through the kidneys, so that when the state of sleep, urine concentration, calcium more through the kidneys, it is easy to form stones.

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