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Twitch announces reality show for up-and-coming streamer

Twitch is planning to highlight some of its most promising users in a reality show called Stream On.

The Amazon-owned video game streaming service says the show is for participants who are “right on the cusp of making streaming full-time a possibility.”

More concretely, it’s holding auditions for users who have already achieved Partner status — the FAQ discourages applicants who are so inexperienced that they “might not benefit much from participating,” but also those who might be so well-known that they don’t need the exposure:

Any partner can audition, but be advised that the selection committee will be more likely to choose smaller partners who they feel can benefit most from the additional exposure that Stream On can offer. LIRIK, if you’re reading this, please don’t apply.

The selected contestants will compete from home in challenges that Twitch describes as testing out “important streamer skills,” with the audience getting a say in who gets to advance in each round. The grand prize will be $60,000, paid in $5,000 monthly increments.

Stream On is expected to premiere in March.

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