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You Can Now Take a College Course in Taking the Perfect Selfie


Photo: Getty Images

People take continuing education classes for lots of reasons: to meet new people, to advance in their careers, or simply to pick up a new hobby. But for sheer vanity? One London college is hoping so.

Time reports that City Lit is offering a four-week course called “The art of self portraiture,” and it’s all selfies, all the time. The college’s website encourages students “to improve their critical understanding of the photographic self-portrait.” By the end of the class, students should be able to use light, space, and precise techniques to make those selfies sing.

But don’t just bring your iPhone and a selfie stick and think you’re equipped. Tuition costs £132 ($201), and the college recommends that you take an intro class beforehand. The class is for serious photogs, and you have to bring your own SLR camera.

If you know all about Instagram filters but nothing about shutter speed, this class probably isn’t for you. Thankfully, the rest of us have will have Kim Kardashian’sselfies book bible to guide us come April.

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